Soft tissue injuries include:
Muscle Strains – tearing of the muscle. Can be sudden, or repetitive strain injury. Scar Tissue – restrictive tissue that forms after injury to a muscle. Scar tissue does not have the same elasticity as muscle tissue so can restrict muscle movement and be incredibly painful. Trigger Points – specific areas of fibrous ‘knot-like’ bunching of muscle fibres. Can be very painful and weaken the muscle. Adhesions – the binding of a muscle to another muscle, or to a bone, thus limiting muscle movement and strength. Myofascial Pain – fascia is a moisture rich connective tissue that surrounds every cell, organ, bone, muscle, and nerve, and is interlinked, like a cobweb across the whole body. When fascia loses its moisture content, it becomes sticky and unable to move properly, causing it to bind to everything it surrounds, causing restricted movement, stiffness, lameness, debilitating nerve pain, and restricted blood flow to muscle areas. Commonly responsible for referred pain. Hypertonicity – chronically tight muscle that causes muscle weakness and muscle fatigue. Often associated with muscle splinting. Muscle Shortening – permanent shortening of a muscle, causing restricted movement and postural changes. |
Contact White Oak Clinical Canine MassageTel: 07951 679180
Email: [email protected] Address: White Oak Clinical Canine Massage, White Oak Cottage, Shepherds Hill, Buckhorn Weston, Dorset SP8 5HX. |
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